Mechanical Engineering can be broadly divided into three categories; they are
Machine Design, Production and Thermal Engineering with a lot of sub branches. It is at the root of all the
other branches of engineering. In other words, different branches of engineering take the help of Mechanical
Engineering for designing, manufacturing and service purpose. Mechanical Engineering plays a very vital role
and is indispensable in the present day world as it can not survive without it. Machine design is the
creation of new and better machines and improving the existing ones. A new or better machine is one which is
more economical in overall cost of production and operation.
Thermodynamics is the Science of energy transfer and its effect on the physical properties of substance. It
has got wide application in the field of Energy Technology, Internal Combustion Engine, Gas Turbine,
Air-conditioning, Refrigeration, Gas dynamics, Jet propulsion, Compressor, and Chemical Process Plant and so
on. Production Engineering deals with the metal cutting or machining, cutting tools, measurement of cutting
forces, grinding, boring, gear manufacturing, etc.
There is a wide range of scope for an Engineering Degree holder in the branch of Mechanical Engineering in the present day world. The development of a nation depends mainly on its Industrialization. There is a competition of setting up industries in different nations. India being a developing country and succumb to globalization tries its best in setting up Power Plants, Steel Plants, Aluminium Plants, Petrochemical Plants, Manufacturing Plants and so on through indigenous as well as foreign investors. So there is a wide scope for Mechanical Engineers within the country as well as abroad.
The branch came in to being in the year 2009 as a separate branch with an intake capacity of 120 students. Within the short period of one and a half year, this branch has developed a lot. The department has a Central Workshop, Fluid Mechanics lab, Hydraulic Machines lab, Material Testing lab. There is a departmental library with a lot of reference books for the students as well as for the faculty members.