Positive learning environment
Positive learning environment
Learning is the key to Success
THE Templecity Institute of Technology and Engineering
(TITE) is approved by AICTE & affiliated to SCTE&VT,
The world is changing at the speed of thought; ideas are to be implemented
before they can be mapped, and similarly, education today, necessarily have
to be a part of mainstream learning and corporate activity.
The new world that has emerged over a new horizon and that is visible only
to the trained eye of TITE promoters.
TempleCity Institute of Technology & Engineering has been one such endeavor in that direction. The educational activity of the TITE will have the technology at par with the best in India., will have teaching tools comparable with the top line facilities available in the field, will be highly competitive in terms of quality and price.
Tite at a Glance
It is an institute of new generation where efficient technocrats are produced.
It is a place where, apart from learning engineering tools, participants are
exposed to those qualities, which make them excellent human beings; it ensures
development of healthy work culture necessary for a good professional. The
striking aspects of the institute's Diploma program are to meet the growing
needs of industry and groom students for higher studies in institutes of
National & international repute. We bring about desirable and need-based
innovative skills relevant to the changing need of our time. The institute
imparts value added education as part of technical education.